Friday, May 13, 2016

The Organization of Dark Council

Planet: Korriban
Faction: Empire

While the timeless Emperor is the unquestionable leader of the Empire, the twelve members of the Dark Council supervise the daily workings of their Brobdingnagian civilization and speak within the Emperor's name. every is among the foremost powerful Sith within the galaxy; to carry a seat on the council is that the highest honor and therefore the greatest position of influence a Sith will attain.

The individual members of the Dark Council management their own spheres of influence and pyramids of subordinate Sith--overall Imperial military strategy falls within the hands of 1 Dark councillor, whereas study of ancient artifacts falls into the hands of another. These spheres often overlap, resulting in conflict. However, each Sith Lord and apprentice is ultimately answerable to the councillor at the highest of his or her pyramid. Similarly, non-Sith organizations area unit sometimes clearly answerable to at least one Dark councillor or another.

Meetings of the Dark Council area unit unremarkably control within the bastion on Dromund Kaas or within the Sith Academy on Korriban. It's rare for all members to collect at once--power plays among members area unit frequent, and a number of other of the Dark Lords area unit virtual hermits. On the occasions once the Emperor summons them, however, all members of the Dark Council area unit expected to collect and conform.

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