Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ancient Civilizations Hutta Datacron

Datacron: Presence +2
Planet: Hutta
Faction: Empire

In the amount when the mysterious Architects nonexistent from the galaxy millennia past, many nice civilizations rose in their place. The intellectual Columi species created a colossal however peaceful empire, that specialize in tutorial pursuits whereas droids and elaborate machines labored for them. As a result, the Columi evolved huge craniums and little bodies.

The strange, reptilian Niger-Congo, WHO achieved celestial body travel through eternity Gates that allowed them to effectively transport between worlds, rose and enigmatically fell, eventually devolving into straightforward lizards. The cephalopod Gree conjointly reached their apex during this time, making technological marvels that have seldom been equaled. Eventually, on the backs of those civilizations would come back the Rakata and their Infinite Empire.

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