Wednesday, April 20, 2016

SWTOR Odessen Warzone Mechanics

Control Points Spawning

At the start of the match 2 control points spawn at random

Control Points last for one round, a round lasts for 75 seconds

The amount of Control Points active increases as more rounds occur

There are 8 rounds in total (though a team can win before the 8th round starts)

Round 1,2,3: Two Control Points active

Round 4,5,6: Three Control Points active

Round 7,8: Four Control Points active

After Round 1 Battle Mods spawn, Battle Mods have different impacts on points depending on which Mod you have.

Capping a Control Point

Control Points are proximity based, standing inside the Control Point area counts towards capture

It takes 3 seconds of uncontested control (no one from the other team in the control point area) to capture a point

To hold a capture point against the other team stay in the control point. Remaining inside the control point blocks other teams from capturing. Amount of players does not matter

If one team is removed from or otherwise leaves the Control Point area there is a grace period of 3 seconds before that owning team loses control

Capturing a control point and losing control can occur at the same time so if the grace period is not met then the control point is lost for one and gained for another

Characters in stealth do not count towards control of a Control Point area

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